HttpClient in the WCF REST Starter Kit Preview 2

HttpClient is a new utility class introduced in the WCF REST Startert Kit Preview 2 for consuming REST services. This new class is made up of three different parts,

1. A rich object model to manipulate the Http request and response objects in a more natural way. This is done through the use of the HttpRequestMessage and HttpResponseMessage classes.

2. Some overloads or extension methods to reduce the number of code lines required to consume a service. For example, the HttpClient class itself contains method overloads to send messages to a service through some of the well-know http verbs, such as Get, Post, Put, Delete, Head or Options.  The HttpRequestMessage and HttpResponse classes also contain methods for serializing/deserializing the incoming/outgoing messages in different formats.

HttpClient client = new HttpClient();           

var echo = client.Get(new Uri("http://localhost:1449/MyRestService/Service.svc/Echo")).Content.ReadAsString();

The sample code above sends a Http Get message to an “Echo” service and gets the response as a simple string.

3. An extensible execution pipeline made up of customizable steps or stages. This pipeline takes the form of a pipeline controller pattern where each step executes one after another to return back the execution control to the pipeline (It is basically a coordinator). This feature gives enough flexibility to perform additional work over the request/response messages such as validations or caching to name a few.

Every step in the pipeline is represented by a HttpStage class. This class contains two overloads,

public class MyCustomStage : HttpStage


    protected internal override void ProcessRequestAndTryGetResponse(HttpRequestMessage request, out HttpResponseMessage response, out object state)



    protected internal override void ProcessResponse(HttpResponseMessage response, object state)




The “ProcessRequestAndTryGetResponse” is executed first in the pipeline, and it allows doing some processing over the request message. It is also possible in this method to return a response message, if that happens, all the stages that come after this one are not executed and the response is returned to the client application. As result of this, the REST service does not get called because the last stage in the pipeline is usually the one that sends the request through http to the service. This approach is generally useful for performing some caching or mocking the responses from unit tests.

The following example interrupts the pipeline execution and returns an string (“myfoo”) as response message,

public class MyStage : HttpStage


    protected internal override void ProcessRequestAndTryGetResponse(HttpRequestMessage request, out HttpResponseMessage response, out object state)


        response = new HttpResponseMessage


            Content = HttpContent.Create("myfoo"),

            Method = "GET",

            StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK,

            Uri = request.Uri


        state = null;


    protected internal override void ProcessResponse(HttpResponseMessage response, object state)




The “ProcessResponse” method is executed after a response message is found in the pipeline. As it name states, it allows doing some additional processing over that response message.

A more specialized version of these stages is also provided by the starter kit, HttpProcessingStage

public class MyCustomStage : HttpProcessingStage


    public override void ProcessRequest(HttpRequestMessage request)



    public override void ProcessResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)




This class derives from the standard “HttpStage” and adds some plumbing code to simplify the work of a developer only interested in inspecting or modifying the request or response messages. It works like a Message Inspector in WCF.

These custom stages can be added to the HttpClient trough the “Stages” collection,

client.Stages.Add(new MyStage());

If you want to start playing with this new useful class, go an grab the latest preview of the Starter kit from Codeplex.

1 Comment

  • Hey Pablo,

    This is awesome stuff. I love this library. The only problem is the ProcessRequestAndTryGetResponse method is internal, so we cannot override in a class in our assemblies. Will this be changed when this library is released?


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