Service Invocation Framework

My friends Sergio Borromei (Microsoft Consulting) and Rodolfo Finochietti (Lagash) have recently released the first RTM of their Service Invocation Framework.

This light-weight basically provides a collection of service adapters that a client application can use to consume a service with some location and implementation transparency.

The client application only need to know the service contract to locate and consume the real service implementation, which can actually be a remoting object, a web service or an in-proc object to name a few.

In my opinion, this kind of framework can be useful in scenarios where you need to interop with different technologies. This helps to minimize the dependency between the client application and those technologies and facilitate possible changes due to new requirements. 

These are some of the adapters that comes by default with the framework:

  •  Web Service Adapter: It can be used to execute any HTTP web service compliant with the Basic Profile. This adapter also provides a nice feature to generate the web service proxies on the fly using a wsdl definition. (Yes, there is not need to manually generate the proxies using a tool like wsdl.exe).
  • Remoting Adapter: As it name says, it can be used to execute methods on a object published with remoting.
  • InProc Adapter: This adapter is useful in scenarios where the client and service live in the same process, so any inter-process communication or data marshaling is not required.
  • Pipeline Adapter: It can execute a collection of filters to modify the service's inbound or outbound messages.

Let's go through a simple quickstart to show the main features of this framework:

1. First of all, we need to define a interface for our service implementation. In this sample, I decided to design a extremely complex one to return a "Hello World" message:

public interface IHelloWorld


    string HelloWorld();


2. As a second step, our real service implementation needs to implement the interface.  I used a web service, but it can be any other service implementation.

[WebService(Namespace = "")]

[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]

public class Service : System.Web.Services.WebService, IHelloWorld


    public Service () {





    public string HelloWorld() {

        return "Hello World";





3. Now, it is time to implement the client application. We have to add a the following configuration section to the application configuration file,




    <section name="servicesInvocationFramework" type="InvocationFramework.Core.Configuration.SectionHandler, InvocationFramework.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4396b271bcbb0166" />






        <serviceAdapter id="WebServicesAdapter" order="0" enabled="true" type="InvocationFramework.Adapters.WebServices.WebServicesAdapter, InvocationFramework.Adapters.WebServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4396b271bcbb0166">


            <service name="SampleService" wsdlLocation="http://localhost:9300/SampleService/Service.asmx?WSDL" contractType="Contracts.IHelloWorld, Contracts"/>







In a few words, this section says that we are going to use the service adapter to consume the service "SampleService". This service also implements the contract IHelloWorld.

The WSDL location is required because the adapter will generate the proxy to consume the service using that definition.

4. Finally, some code is required on the client application to locate the service and consume it.

ServiceProxyBuilder<IHelloWorld> factory = new ServiceProxyBuilder<IHelloWorld>("SampleService");

IHelloWorld service = factory.BuildProxy();



It is as simple as that, the client receives a proxy class to consume the real service implementation. (All the inter-process communications and messages interchanges will be managed by the adapter).

You can find more information about this framework in the Rodolfo's blog, and the Service Invocation Framework web site (CodePlex)


  • Wouldn't this become obsolete with Indigo? (WCF)

  • Well, this framework could be considered as an extra layer over WCF. WCF does not support remoting objects at all, you have to develop some custom code to invoke those objects from WCF.
    Anyway, this is the first release of this framework, and the developing team is planning to add more features to it.


  • I tried invoking a wcf service hosted in IIS that returns a typed dataset.

    The code fails to get the XSD schema that is defined in the WSDL of the svc file.

    any ideas?

    Kind regards

  • Hi,

    Really Nice post!

    Can I generate Dynamic Proxy without Interface? If you take above example then without IHelloWorld.


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