Streaming large content with WCF and deferred execution

I will use this post to discuss an scenario that you may run into while working with WCF, a service that returns a lot of objects (Or large data) to the client applications. This scenario is not about transferring files, that is a completely different story, and I already discussed it some time ago in another post.

The scalability of the service's host may be affected if the service is not well designed or configured. WCF will use large memory buffers to keep the complete message before it start sending that message through the wire.

Using data contracts or XML serializable classes in this scenario does not scale well because the complete object graph has to be loaded in memory before the corresponding serializer (Data Contract serializer or Xml Serializer) transform it into an stream of bytes.

In addition, if the service throttling settings are not configured carefully for that service, a large number of requests will practically consume all the available resources (If that happens, the server will stop processing additional requests and you may run into a OutOfMemory exception as well). For more information about Service Throttling, I recommend this Kenny Wolf's post.

Before getting into the streaming solution, which looks very complex at first glance, you should consider refactoring your service's API to support data paging. If you use paging, the design of the final service will be simpler and you should not have any of the mentioned problems. What's more, streaming does not work well with message security, the default behavior for WCF is to buffer all messages when message security is set for the channel. In order to combine message security with streaming you should use the Chunking Channel.

Data Paging design sample,


public class Customer


  public string FirstName { get; set; }


  public string LastName { get; set; }


  public string Address { get; set; }




public class Customers


    public Customer[] Customers { get; set; }



public interface ISampleService



  Customers GetAllCustomers(int page, int count, out int totalCustomers); 


The client application will have to call that method as many times as it needs to retrieve all the customers. The service should have a limit in the number of customers it can return per call, otherwise, we will have the same problems if the client application asks for a large number of customers.

Deferred execution is a cool feature introduced in .NET 2.0 for enumerations. Basically the enumeration does not happen until some calling code wants to examine the enumeration.

Let's discuss now how deferred execution can be achieved in WCF with the help of the streaming model.

1. The first extensibility point that we will need for this solution is a custom BodyWriter class. A BodyWriter has the knowledge to serialize an entire object graph as xml into the body of a soap message. The class Message has an static method to create a new message from a  BodyWriter instance.

public abstract class Message : ....


    public static Message CreateMessage(MessageVersion version, string action, BodyWriter body)


The "BodyWriter" class is an abstract and contains a single method to serialize the complete object graph into the soap body.

public class CustomBodyWriter : BodyWriter


    private IEnumerable<Customer> customers;


    public CustomBodyWriter(IEnumerable<Customer> customers)

      : base(false) // False should be passed here to avoid buffering the message


      this.customers = customers;



    protected override void OnWriteBodyContents(System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter writer)


      XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Customer));


      foreach (Customer customer in customers)


        serializer.Serialize(writer, customer);





As you can see in the code above, our custom implementation of the "OnWriteBodyContents" receives an enumeration of objects that we want to serialize into the message. A "false" value is passed as argument in the constructor to the base class to specify that our custom implementation can not be buffered.

2. We will use deferred execution to retrieve all the customers from the database (The following code actually emulates that),

public IEnumerable<Customer> GetAllCustomersImpl()


   for(long i = 0; i < 1000; i++) //All the customers should be read from the database


      yield return new Customer { FirstName = "Foo", LastName = "Bar", Address = "FooBar 123" };



   yield break;


What's it is important here is that we are not returning all the customer objects at the same time (we are returning one at time, so they are not loaded in memory) using the "yield" operator.

3. The service implementation returns a new message created from the custom "CustomBodyWriter" class.

public class SampleService : ISampleService


    #region ISampleService Members


    public Message GetAllCustomers()


      Message message = Message.CreateMessage(MessageVersion.Soap11, "GetAllCustomers", new CustomBodyWriter(GetAllCustomersImpl()));

      return message;







The first two arguments of the CreateMessage method specifies the soap version and soap action for the response message.

4. The client application also reads one customer object at time from the response message,

static IEnumerable<Customer> GetAllCustomers(Message message)


  XmlReader reader = message.GetReaderAtBodyContents();

  if (reader.LocalName != "customers")


     throw new Exception("The service returned an invalid message");



  XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Customer));



  while(!reader.EOF && reader.LocalName == "Customer")


     Customer customer = (Customer)serializer.Deserialize(reader);

     yield return customer;





5. Finally, the client and the service, both have to be configured to use an "streamed" as transfer mode. Otherwise, all the messages will be buffered in memory.


   <binding name="basic" transferMode="StreamedResponse" maxReceivedMessageSize="10000000">

      <security mode="None"></security>



The "maxReceivedMessageSize" setting is also important because it limits the amount of data that the service can return. You should adjust it to a value according to the amount of data you might return in the service implementation.

You can download the complete sample from this location.


  • Great job on the post! I have one question, how do i pass parameters?

  • Very interesting post. Just curious, do you think it would be possible to write a WCF behavior attribute that would automatically enable this functionality? It would be even slicker if a future version of WCF could automatically handle the streaming of parameter/return values when they are of type IEnumerable, just as it currently does with Stream, Message, and IXmlSerializable. Of course, you would still have to write your methods to use the yield statement for the streaming to be meaningful.

  • This is the most useful thing I've seen in ages -- I've been looking for ages for a way to return objects one-by-one without paging or otherwise repeating calls from the client, and here it is.

    Beyond the benefit of not buffering a big collection on the server, it seems that--when called asynchronously, with representations of the return values marshaled to the UI thread as they come back--this service implementation is going to provide a much snappier user experience. The user sees that something is actually happening, rather than waiting for the big collection to be built and transferred, and can begin viewing and/or manipulating the objects well before they have all been returned.

    I am curious as to whether this can be implemented with a NetDataContractSerializer in place of the XmlSerializer, and what the CustomBodyWriter would look like in that case. Would I expect to get type definitions with each yield return, or just in the header, up front?

    Thank you!

  • I am trying to send a large data collection from a WCF service to a client. I was trying to use the same design as you but ran into some problems. I am using .NET 3.0, so could not use your code directly. When I ran it, the OnWriteBodyContents was never invoked when the client called the GetAllCustomers method. Any idea why that could be?


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