Testing WCF REST Services
Many of the WCF services that we build today rely on the WCF context (OperationContext and WebOperationContext) for performing different things, specially REST services where the context is necessary for settings and getting Http status codes or headers. The fact that the WCF context does not expose interfaces or base classes complicates the unit testing a lot. In this sense, I like the approach taken by the ASP.NET MVC team, all the classes exposed by the HttpContext as properties are base classes, so they can be easily mocked.
In order to test a WCF service with what we have today, we have to either test the service as a black box (integration tests, which requires a lot of plumbing code to setup all the WCF infrastructure for the test, channels, host, client, etc) or create some wrappers to encapsulate the WCF context behavior, as I mentioned in this post "Unit tests for WCF services"
Today I will discuss both approaches more in detail with some sample code. The service implementation I will use here is a simple service that given a category returns a feed with products associated to that specific category.
public interface IProductCatalog
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "?category={category}")]
Atom10FeedFormatter GetProducts(string category);
public Atom10FeedFormatter GetProducts(string category)
var items = new List<SyndicationItem>();
foreach(var product in repository.GetProducts(category))
items.Add(new SyndicationItem()
Id = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "http://products/{0}", product.Id),
Title = new TextSyndicationContent(product.Name),
LastUpdatedTime = new DateTime(2008, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc),
Authors =
new SyndicationPerson()
Name = "cibrax"
Content = new TextSyndicationContent(string.Format("Category Id {0} - Price {1}",
product.Category, product.UnitPrice))
var feed = new SyndicationFeed()
Id = "http://Products",
Title = new TextSyndicationContent("Product catalog"),
Items = items
MyWebContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = "application/atom+xml";
return feed.GetAtom10Formatter();
As you can see, this is a regular WCF service with the following characteristics,
1. The products are queried from a product repository, a class that implements IProductRepository so it can be mocked.
public interface IProductRepository
IQueryable<Product> GetProducts(string category);
2. It is not using the WCF context (WebOperationContext), it is using MyWebContext instead. This is a custom class I created for wrapping the WCF context behavior. As we will see later, this class will help us to mock the WCF context in the unit tests.
public class MyWebContext : IDisposable
private const string TlsName = "webContext";
public MyWebContext(IWebOperationContext context)
var tls = Thread.GetNamedDataSlot(TlsName);
Thread.SetData(tls, context);
public static IWebOperationContext Current
var tls = Thread.GetNamedDataSlot(TlsName);
var context = Thread.GetData(tls);
if (context != null)
return (IWebOperationContext)context;
return new WebOperationContextWrapper(WebOperationContext.Current);
public void Dispose()
var tls = Thread.GetNamedDataSlot(TlsName);
Thread.SetData(tls, null);
The Current property of this class first tries to get an IWebOperationContext from the thread local storage (That could be set by the unit tests), and if none is available, it returns a wrapper to the original WCF context.
Integration Tests
Integration tests focus more on testing the service as a whole, checking not only the service behavior but also extensions in the WCF channel stack and any other external dependency referenced by the service itself. Integration tests are preferred over unit tests for certain scenarios, if I want to test for instance how a service behaves with an built-in extension for "conditional gets" in the WCF channel stack, that can be easily done with an integration test.
Integration tests usually have the following structure:
1. Some code to setup the WCF host, usually located at the beginning of the test or as part of the test fixture initializer.
2. The service invocation itself using a previously initialized web http request or an specific WCF channel.
public void ShouldGetProductsFeed()
ProductCatalog catalog = new ProductCatalog(
new InMemoryProductRepository(
new List<Product>{
new Product { Id = "1", Category = "foo", Name = "Foo1", UnitPrice = 1 },
new Product { Id = "2", Category = "bar", Name = "bar2", UnitPrice = 2 }
WebServiceHost host = new WebServiceHost(catalog, new Uri("http://localhost:7777/Products"));
IEnumerable<SyndicationItem> items;
items = Consume(new Uri("http://localhost:7777/Products?category=foo"));
if (host.State == System.ServiceModel.CommunicationState.Opened)
Assert.AreEqual(1, items.Count());
Assert.IsTrue(items.Any(i => i.Id == "http://products/1" && i.Title.Text == "Foo1"));
"Consume" in the code above is a helper method that internally uses WebHttpRequest for sending a http get to the WCF service.
private IEnumerable<SyndicationItem> Consume(Uri feedUri)
WebRequest request = CreateWebRequest(feedUri);
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings { CloseInput = true };
using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(), settings))
SyndicationFeed feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader);
return feed.Items;
private WebRequest CreateWebRequest(Uri feedUri)
HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(feedUri);
webRequest.ContentType = "application/rss+xml";
webRequest.Timeout = 60 * 1000;
webRequest.Method = "GET";
return webRequest;
Unit Tests
Unit tests focus on the service implementation only, leaving out most of the external dependencies and any additional processing made by the WCF channel stack. The IWebOperationContext interface I mentioned before will help us to mock many of the properties provided by the WCF context. This is a good thing for getting/setting expectations that we want to verify in the test itself. This interface and the wrappers are available as part of the project Netfx, http://code.google.com/p/netfx/
public class UnitTests
public void ShouldGetProductsFeed()
ProductCatalog catalog = new ProductCatalog(
new InMemoryProductRepository(
new List<Product>{
new Product { Id = "1", Category = "foo", Name = "Foo1", UnitPrice = 1 },
new Product { Id = "2", Category = "bar", Name = "bar2", UnitPrice = 2 }
Mock<IWebOperationContext> mockContext = new Mock<IWebOperationContext> { DefaultValue = DefaultValue.Mock };
IEnumerable<SyndicationItem> items;
using (new MyWebContext(mockContext.Object))
var formatter = catalog.GetProducts("foo");
items = formatter.Feed.Items;
mockContext.VerifySet(c => c.OutgoingResponse.ContentType, "application/atom+xml");
Assert.AreEqual(1, items.Count());
Assert.IsTrue(items.Any(i => i.Id == "http://products/1" && i.Title.Text == "Foo1"));
What's deserve some attention in the unit test above is the code for creating the mocked WebContext and the code required for verifying the expectations.
using (new MyWebContext(mockContext.Object))
var formatter = catalog.GetProducts("foo");
items = formatter.Feed.Items;
That will insert the mockContext object in the Thread Local Storage so it can be accessed later in the service implementation by MyWebContext.Current (The "using" clause here makes an explicit call to IDispose as well, so the mockContext is removed from that storage after the operation is called).
The test also verifies that the ContentType header was set with the correct value in the operation,
mockContext.VerifySet(c => c.OutgoingResponse.ContentType, "application/atom+xml");