WCF Dependency Injection Behavior

Many times the services are just part of a service layer interface or facade that only delegate calls to other components in lower layers, such as entity translators, business logic components, data access components or service agents that work as proxy with other systems. To clarify more this point, this is how the Patterns & Practices team envisioned  a general multi-layer architecture for .NET applications, http://blogs.msdn.com/donsmith/archive/2006/07/21/673481.aspx

When this happens, the ideal scenario to test the service code is to replace the dependencies on lower layers by mocks or stubs objects and focus our unit tests in the service code only. Fortunately, the Dependency Injection pattern comes to help us here. Oran Dennison already discussed a similar approach in this excellent post, http://orand.blogspot.com/2006/10/wcf-service-dependency-injection.html.

During the course of this post I will take a different path using the "Dependency Injection Container" sample that comes with Object Builder . This sample also includes good documentation about the supported features.

So, suppose we have a service implementation with the following dependencies:

[ServiceContract(Namespace = http://Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples)]

public interface ICustomer



   string GetFullName(string customerId);



public class CustomerService : ICustomer


  ICustomerBusinessComponent businessComponent;


  public CustomerService(ICustomerBusinessComponent businessComponent)


    this.businessComponent = businessComponent;



  public string GetFullName(string customerId)


    return businessComponent.GetFullName(customerId);




public interface ICustomerDataAccess


  string GetFullName(string customerId);



public class CustomerDataAccess : ICustomerDataAccess


  public CustomerDataAccess()




  public string GetFullName(string customerId)


    return "FOO";



As you can see in the code above, our service has a direct dependency with a business component, and at the same time, our business component has a dependency with another component in the data access layer. What we want to do here is to inject both dependencies at runtime using the Dependency injection pattern.

The equivalent code with the Dependency Container looks could be,

DependencyContainer container = new DependencyContainer();


container.RegisterTypeMapping<ICustomerBusinessComponent, CustomerBusinessComponent>();

container.RegisterTypeMapping<ICustomerDataAccess, CustomerDataAccess>();


CustomerService service = container.Get<CustomerService>();

Quite easy, the only requirement is the mapping, otherwise the container will not know how to create instances of the interfaces. Now, let's move forward to try configuring this in WCF using a behavior as extensibility point. WCF supports an extension called IInstanceProvider that controls the lifecycle of a WCF service instance. We will use one this provider to hook up our custom code and inject the dependencies at runtime.

public class DIInstanceProvider : IInstanceProvider


  private Type serviceType;

  List<TypeMapping> typeMappings;


  public DIInstanceProvider(Type serviceType, List<TypeMapping> typeMappings)


    this.serviceType = serviceType;

    this.typeMappings = typeMappings;



  public object GetInstance(InstanceContext instanceContext)


    return GetInstance(instanceContext, null);



  public object GetInstance(InstanceContext instanceContext, Message message)


    DependencyContainer container = new DependencyContainer();


    foreach (TypeMapping typeMapping in this.typeMappings)


      container.RegisterTypeMapping(typeMapping.TypeRequested, typeMapping.TypeToBuild);



    return container.Get(this.serviceType);



  public void ReleaseInstance(InstanceContext instanceContext, object instance)






The typeMapping that you can see there in the code are extensions that we are going to set up through configuration. This class basically represents a mapping between a requested type (Which usually is an interface) and the type to build by the object builder (Which usually is the concrete implementation).

public class TypeMapping


  private Type typeRequested;

  private Type typeToBuild;


  public TypeMapping(Type typeRequested, Type typeToBuild)


    this.typeRequested = typeRequested;

    this.typeToBuild = typeToBuild;



  public Type TypeRequested


    get { return typeRequested; }



  public Type TypeToBuild


    get { return typeToBuild; }



Once we have the behavior implementation, the final step is to configure it in our application. This can be done as follows,



        <behavior name="Behaviors1">



              <add name="DataAccess" typeRequested="SampleService.ICustomerDataAccess, SampleService" typeToBuild="SampleService.CustomerDataAccess, SampleService"/>

              <add name="BusinessComponent" typeRequested="SampleService.ICustomerBusinessComponent, SampleService" typeToBuild="SampleService.CustomerBusinessComponent, SampleService"/>






The configuration looks simple, I just mapped two interfaces to the real implementations (Which could be replaced during testing through mocks or stub objects). No additional code needed for the WCF service :-)

As a final comment, the dependency container also supports method injection (This is to inject the dependencies that are arguments of a method) and setter injections (This is to inject dependencies through property setters).

Download the complete sample from this location.


  • Hi Taras,

    What you do mean with development ?. It is the same approach for a service dependency, you can encapsulate the service call in a service agent component (That implements an interface), and inject that component as a dependency. Now, that Microsoft Unity was released, you can use that instead of objectbuilder.

  • Hello,

    I have downloaded your code and it works like a charm. However, when I try and add the client I does not work. I am getting:

    Every binding must have at least one binding element that derives from TransportBindingElement

    I am sure I have my config for the client wrong. Can you split the app.config for the clinet and the service.


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