PetShop Demo ( .NET VS J2EE )

I'm not sure how many presenation that you saw in the topic of "Comparsion of .NET and J2EE" in the past, but I did read about 10+ related presentations. Actually, most of the presentation will show the 'comparsion' of .NET and J2EE and focus on 'line of codes', 'development time', 'performance', 'number of concurrent user', 'CPU time', 'scalability'...etc, while most of them were using "PetShop" application as the sample at the same time. (Is it... always true for the figure?)

[Donny's blog]

We just put up version 3.0 of Microsoft's answer to Suns Pet Shop "Blueprint" application. You can find a running version of the sample application here: 

Try it out! :)


  • I just finished a presentation which focus on the design of the Two shops.

    I think the architecture of Java petstore is over designed,and the MS petshop,even the ver 3.0,is just a KISS demo,not a best practice.

    Wish to find a MS petshop using the UIProcess application block.

  • Where did the "Comparsion of .NET and J2EE" using PetSotre App in GOTDOTNET site go? I would like to look at it.

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