Domain Name Registration
I browse to a Domain Name registration web site this morning, and I want to search any available or interesting domain name for me. Yes, I know, is registered by “Colt's Manufacturing Company Inc.” in the United States, and I don't think I can register it within short period of time. The similar 2nd level domain names like,,, Colt.Whatever are all unavailable.
So, I turn to a local domain name registration office, which is mainly for “.hk” third level domain name registration (i.e. the area code). I'm pretty sure the is available, as I check it a few months ago. However, it give me a surprise this morning that this domain name was registered by ... Mitsubishi Motors:
Everything you've been waiting for - plus so much more. Clean and stylish. with a sinuous linearity that's endearing yet oh so functional, exterior design hints at interior comfort while affirming class-vaulting quality. Triangualr front architecture flowing seamlessly into a dramatically truncated rear-end maximizes interior space within sub-compact exterior dimensions. Mitsubishi proudly announces the birth of the vibrant new COLT.
Well, well, well... I think I have to search and think more other alternatives about registration of another name now... :\