Meeting with a linguist

I'm preparing for my presentation tomorrow in Microsoft Hong Kong TechEd 2003. Ya, that's not my first public presentation in TechEd, but I'm still nervous... My powerpoint is rich in content, but the whole session will be conducted in English, which is not my mother tonque. :S

Anyway, one of my friend is studying in a university and we book a room for rehearsal tonight. Luckily, we met another friend who's a “linguist” (though I'm not sure HOW can he learn different languages, culture and grammar within 3 years!) He sit down, listen to me and give some useful tips about 'English' to me. :)

I remember there're a couple of bloggers here speak for presentation NOT IN their mother tonque, any experience/tips can share with me? :-)


  • What is the definition of "linguist"? Do you mean someone who studies languages as a discipline, or someone who speaks several languages, or something else?

  • Hi Mike,

    The "Linguist" that I'm talking about is a guy who can speak several languages fluently, and sure, he studied the history of the languages and its background as well. :)

    (Hope you get my meaning right from my 'English' blog :P

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