Smell ... ASP.NET V2.0

I was moderating the ASP.NET Forum tonight and found that Sreedhar just post a message about ASP.NET v2.0!

That's an exciting moment as the ASP.NET team is going to announce the next version of ASP.NET in PDC these days. In addition to the presentation in PDC, a couple of articles are going to published very soon.

Moreover, it look like a bunch of ASP.NET v2 preview books are going to publish shortly and a publishing war competition will kick off soon...

Are you ready? Get set?

ASP.NET 2.0 Revealed - By Patrick Lorenz
A First Look at ASP.NET v2.0 - by Alex Homer (Author), Dave Sussman (Author), Rob Howard (Author)
Introducing Asp.Net 2.0 - by Dino Esposito

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