Tabbed IE? Long time to go

I installed the MSN Seach toolbar some times ago, and ... well, I used I.E. for nearly a week. (Yes, I used FireFox for long time.. and nearly forget the existence of I.E.)

Tabbed browsing in I.E. 6.0? Yes, tab is supported right now, but it's far from success I believe. The switching of tab is not smooth, it just like putting two separate browser windows together. In FireFox, I can open new browser window (background) by Ctrl+Click, but in I.E. 6.0, I have to use Alt+Click (Sometime works, but sometimes fail and open in my existing window, huh?) and my LCD was flicked whenever I press Ctrl+Tab. Moreover, the focus MUST be lost... Also, the screen size is not large enough, I have to customize a lot in order to fit my need (which is somehow like the default setting of FireFox).

Basically, what I like is the MSN search TextBox on the top right hand corner. (However.. who'd prefer MSN Search than the search master Google?)

Colt Kwong

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