OleDbType Enumeration

I work with MS SQL Server most of time in my day time job, while I'm looking for some information about the size for various OleDbType from MSDN web site as I'm working in a Win Form application with MS Access database for one of my client tonight, and accidentially I found this useful KB so I'd like to blog it for future reference. :)

INFO: OleDbType Enumeration vs. Microsoft Access Data Types

List of the Most Common Data Type Mappings

The following table lists the most common data types that are used in Microsoft Access and how these data types relate to the Microsoft .NET Framework data types and to the OleDbType enumeration.

Access Type Name Database Data Type OLE DB Type .NET Framework Type Member Name
Text VarWChar DBTYPE_WSTR System.String OleDbType.VarWChar
Memo LongVarWChar DBTYPE_WSTR System.String OleDbType.LongVarWChar
Number: Byte UnsignedTinyInt DBTYPE_UI1 System.Byte OleDbType.UnsignedTinyInt
Yes/No Boolean DBTYPE_BOOL System.Boolean OleDbType.Boolean
Date/Time DateTime DBTYPE_DATE System.DateTime OleDbType.Date
Currency Decimal DBTYPE_NUMERIC System.Decimal OleDbType.Numeric
Number: Decimal Decimal DBTYPE_NUMERIC System.Decimal OleDbType.Numeric
Number: Double Double DBTYPE_R8 System.Double OleDbType.Double
Autonumber (Replication ID) GUID DBTYPE_GUID System.Guid OleDbType.Guid
Number: (Replication ID) GUID DBTYPE_GUID System.Guid OleDbType.Guid
Autonumber (Long Integer) Integer DBTYPE_I4 System.Int32 OleDbType.Integer
Number: (Long Integer) Integer DBTYPE_I4 System.Int32 OleDbType.Integer
OLE Object LongVarBinary DBTYPE_BYTES Array of System.Byte OleDbType.LongVarBinary
Number: Single Single DBTYPE_R4 System.Single OleDbType.Single
Number: Integer SmallInt DBTYPE_I2 System.Int16 OleDbType.SmallInt
Binary VarBinary* DBTYPE_BYTES Array of System.Byte OleDbType.Binary
Hyperlink VarWChar DBTYPE_WSTR System.String OleDbType.VarWChar

1 Comment

  • Have you worked with DateTime data type in Access ?, I have to log current time on the Access database, but using the OLEDB provider and OLEDBDataAdapter(totally using drag and drop) it inserted the date without the time... I don't know if it happens when it updates... but after an insert it doesn't save the time!

    100% Weird...

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