VB.NET Hexadecimal to Floating Point / Single (IEEE 754)

A post just came across the forum I frequent regarding Hexadecimal to Floating Point conversion. Strangely there appears to be no direct way to do this in .NET, and the solutions I found were pretty lame and tedious… so it became my mission to get it done the .NET way, and here is the result:

    Private Function ConvertHexToSingle(ByVal hexValue As String) As Single


            Dim iInputIndex As Integer = 0

            Dim iOutputIndex As Integer = 0

            Dim bArray(3) As Byte


            For iInputIndex = 0 To hexValue.Length - 1 Step 2

                bArray(iOutputIndex) = Byte.Parse(hexValue.Chars(iInputIndex) & hexValue.Chars(iInputIndex + 1), Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)

                iOutputIndex += 1





            Return BitConverter.ToSingle(bArray, 0)

        Catch ex As Exception

            Throw New FormatException("The supplied hex value is either empty or in an incorrect format. Use the following format: 00000000", ex)

        End Try


    End Function




Even though this is just a rough example, it does work, and it can be expanded to support larger types (such as Double) with a couple of small mods.



  • Thanks for the help. Here it is in C#!

    private Single ConvertHexToSingle (string hexVal) {
    try {
    int i=0, j=0;
    byte[] bArray = new byte[4];

    for (i = 0; i <= hexVal.Length-1; i += 2) {
    bArray[j] = Byte.Parse (hexVal[i].ToString() + hexVal[i + 1].ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
    j += 1;
    Array.Reverse (bArray);
    Single s = BitConverter.ToSingle (bArray, 0);
    return (s);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    throw new FormatException ("The supplied hex value is either empty or in an incorrect format. Use the " +
    "following format: 00000000", ex);

  • How about ConvertSingletoHex

  • Thanks for above code, it helped me.
    Here's a little vb contribution:

    Private Function ConvertSingleToHex(ByVal SngValue As Single) As String
    Dim tmpBytes() As Byte
    Dim tmpHex As String = ""
    tmpBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(SngValue)
    For b As Integer = tmpBytes.GetUpperBound(0) To 0 Step -1
    If Hex(tmpBytes(b)).Length = 1 Then tmpHex += "0" '0..F -> 00..0F
    tmpHex += Hex(tmpBytes(b))
    Return tmpHex
    End Function

  • Thanks, everybody, this was very helpful.

  • Thanks for code, it helps me with segy's file types

  • Is any body know how to do above conversions as vb6 ?

  • Nice coding !
    It helped me for sure. Can anyone do the vice versa.
    that is 401.10 to hexadecimal conversion.

  • static void Main(string[] args)
    // Initial Value
    float num1 = 999999f;

    // Convert to IEEE 754
    uint num2 = BitConverter.ToUInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(num1), 0);
    Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", num1, num2);

    // Hex representation
    byte[] byteArray = BitConverter.GetBytes(num1);
    Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToString(byteArray).Replace("-", ""));

    // Convert back to float
    float num3 = BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes(num2), 0);


  • hi all,i search for function for translate byte to real if you can help me... thanks

  • hi all,
    can you plz tell me the way how can we convert the Hex value to Float value using VB6.0

  • A little C# contribution…

    private string ConvertSingleToHex(Single SngValue)
    string hexString = string.Empty;
    Byte[] tmpBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(SngValue);

    hexString = HexEncoding.ToString(tmpBytes);

    return hexString;

  • As I'm a pretty beginner in VB.NET
    I wanted to ask you guys if someone could
    provide me a lil Float2Hex and Hex2Float Converter App?
    Just buttons and textboxes.

    I also would like to learn how to do it myself. so maybe one of you could tell me how to implement the upper snippet into a form.

    Any help is appreciated.
    thx in advance.

  • How did you come up with that code? I don't understand the code in the for loop can somebody explain?

  • Thanks Craig. this worked for me.

  • caqn any one help me how to convert byte to single in vb6

  • Hi. I used your code for convert Hexadecimal to Floating Point, but it doesnt work well for non integer numbers.
    For example if I insert 4020H, doesnt convert to 2.5d however, the result is 2d

    Please help me!

  • Thanks It helped me alot

  • s4mgu2u qr7340i u3yp1uy oicf8fn hkt0ma6.

  • BitConverter.ToSingle is also useful!

  • Somewhat more efficient would be to eliminate the Reverse thing:
    Private Function ConvertHexToSingle(ByVal hexValue As String) As Single
    Dim iOutputIndex As Integer = 0
    Dim bArray(3) As Byte
    For iInputIndex As Integer = 6 To 0 Step -2 ' comparing with 0 is faster
    bArray(iOutputIndex) = Byte.Parse(hexValue.Substring(iInputIndex,2), Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)
    iOutputIndex += 1
    Return BitConverter.ToSingle(bArray, 0)
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
    Return Single.NaN ' something invalid was provided
    End Function

  • tMAEvd I really enjoy the article. Want more.

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