• X# was/is an awesome idea. It was a research project done by the product division and has spawned additional research projects inside the research division. Stranger than Fiction, I know!

  • Don't things usually work the other way around?

    I'll be very interesting to see it, feel it, smell it ... (compile it ...)

    I am just beginning to think about what technologies like Indigo and Xen will enable us to accomplish. The initial notion is that it will just allow me write cleaner code that isn't cluttered with clunky XML API calls.

    The next step is to think about Xen being a data access language. Since it's just another .NET language and Yukon hosts the CLR, I should be able to write pretty fancy stored procs that do neat stuff on XML columns or rowsets serialized to XML.

    But I am sure I can think of a lot of more uses once I get my hands on it.

    Thanks for the comment.

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