Blog-post record - Using ndiswrapper
Busy holiday, little time for computer, and plenty of new projects, a new laptop, airport express, all the toys ;)
I guess it'll be a bit more quiet the coming days, as I said everything today ;)
But to give this post some information, here's how to set up a Dell truemobile 1450 under linux. (I got it working under Fedora Core 2)
Get ndiswrapper and the .exe file that came with your card.
Extract the exe to a location on your disk
Install ndiswrapper (make install)
Install the driver (ndiswrapper -i bcmw15a.inf)
Check if it worked (ndiswrapper -l)
If it worked, check iwconfig to see wlan0
Now set up your wlan
iwconfig wlan0 mode managed
iwconfig wlan0 key open 12345..6 (your hex WEP key)
iwconfig wlan0 channel 11 (your channel)
iwconfig wlan0 essid HEAVEN (your essid, without quotes)
You can test with iwlink wlan0 scan (I believe) if it finds your AP.
I found that when you are unable to set your essid, it is because your WEP key is invalid. I don't know WiFi tech enough, but it seems that you only need a valid WEP key and it'll find your wlan.
If it's associated, bring it up with ifup wlan0 and it'll get an ip trough dhcp.
It took me a while, especially the essid part. Also sometimes it can bark at you when trying to set your key, then you have to do:
iwconfig wlan0 key open
iwconfig wlan0 key open 12345..6 (your hex WEP key)
Don't know why, but that solved it.