Javascript libraries roundup
Here is a great list of javascript goodies for all you AJAX/Web 2.0 junkies:
Cheat Sheet Roundup - Over 30 Cheatsheets for developers
Time to get some new ink carts for my printer ;)
E4X! Where have you been all my life?
How in the heck did I miss this? After seeing a couple of blog posts here on about E4X I went out and did a bit of googling. In case you missed the boat like I did here's the scoop: E4X is a set of extensions to java script that was standardized back in June of 2004. It basically makes XML a first class citizen of the language (hmmm wonder where some of the ideas for XLINQ came from?). There are a couple of implementations of note that I have found. Namely firefox 1.5rc1 and macromedia action script.
Monad updated to run on .NET 2.0 RTM
Looks like my wish has been granted. There is a new build of Monad availible that runs on the final release of .NET 2.0.
Visual Studio Team Suite Trial Edition and the Express Editions have been posted to MSDN...
Looks like the full range of SKUs are now available on MSDN subscriber downloads.
Now that .NET 2.0 is released I'm hoping we'll see some new builds of WWF,WPF,WCF,LINQ and Monad.
What should a "Stream" operator look like in C#?
Streams were one of the core concepts that I latched onto with Cw. It elevated enumerable lists as a first class problem domain. The fact that int* really was IEnumerable
<int> melted away as an implementation detail and allowed me to begin to think in terms of lists ala (LISP/Scheme). This way of thinking seems to be extremely core to LINQ since the underpinnings are all based on IEnumerable<T>. This is why I feel very strongly that IEnumerable<T> deserves some special consideration by the language. If Nullable<T> can have its own operator where's the love for IEnumerable<T>? -
System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(Image image, int x, int y) WTF???
public void DrawImage(Image image, int x, int y);
Declaring Type: System.Drawing.Graphics
Assembly: System.Drawing, Version=1.0.5000.0
public void DrawImage(Image image, int x, int y)
if (this == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("this");
if (image == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("image");
int num1 = SafeNativeMethods.GdipDrawImageI(new HandleRef(this, this.nativeGraphics), new HandleRef(image, image.nativeImage), x, y);
PDC - The day after.
The flight back to Dallas yesterday went much smoother than the flight out to LA. In my opinion this was one of the biggest PDCs ever. While it is depressing to have to wait for all the new tech to be releases, it is great to have insight into what the future holds. MS is being much much more transparent these days which is a good thing.
PDC - My mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening thru a cosmic vapor of invention.
I have to admit I am overwhelmed! The keynote today was simply amazing. Don, Chris and Scott did a bang up job demoing all the various tech working together.
I made it to the PDC! :)
We flew in yesterday from Dallas, TX. Five minutes after takeoff we had to turn around and go back to DFW because the plane had a problem with the landing gear!. Then hey moved us to another plane at the opposite end of the terminal. Once we finnaly got to LA we had to wait a couple of hours to get our luggage. All in all what was a 3 hour flight wound up taking us about 9 hours.
I'm off to see the wizard... (PDC)
I'm leaving early in the morning for the PDC. From the sound of all the other blogs this is shaping up to be one of the biggest PDC's ever. I can't wait to get the lo down on Atlas, C# 3.0/Orcas, IIS 7, Vista, Longhorn Server... etc etc...
Visual Studio 2005 here we come...
The official I spoke too soon post.
It seems that I was taken in by the "Releasing 8/8/2005" line that was on the TIBET home page. This definite release date was replaced with the most indefinite "Coming Soon" early the morning of 8/8. Hopefully the TIBET project is not total vapor ware. Oh well, I'm back to pinning my hopes on MS's Atlas project. I too will be going to PDC this year and look forward to getting my hands on the first preview of Atlas.
The most complete AJAX library I've ever seen!
WOW! Check out TIBET
This has to be the most advanced JS library I've seen. I'll have to pick my jaw off the floor before I can write any more about it. Just click the link and be amazed.
A nice set of Team System videos
My friend Bob over at has produced a set of videos about Team System. If you havnt had time to play vith VSTS, like me, these videos will give you a quick way to check out the functionality.
Some twists on the new Windows Vista name.
A quick visit over to the internet anagram server reveals some amusing rearrangements of the new windows moniker:
Holy Cow! A wiki implemented as a single self modifying htm file!
Why JavaScript is one of the coolest languages around.
Every time I go back to coding any JavaScript I discover new things that I never knew were there. It's like the language that keeps on giving. :)