"Eric Sink (CEO of SourceGear that producesVault)and Matthew Reynoldshave both been talking about how great Vault is over SourceSafe."

[WebLogs @ ASP.NET]

I'm not so sure this is a great sales pitch. Saying that you are better than SourceSafe is not exactly doing yourself a favor. I am a huge Microsoft fan and think they have done an incredible job with all of their recent products, but they have dropped the ball big time on SourceSafe. I think they realize this and I've heard rumors from various sources that they are working on addressing this short-coming, but in the meantime I will continue to use CVS.


  • Did you know that you can also run Vault in "CVS" mode as well as "SourceSafe" mode?

  • Yeah, Vault seems like a very interesting product and I would love to try it out, but you can't beat the price of CVS and it is proven to be very scalable and robust (projects like Mozilla and just about any other large scale open source project). So I will most likely stay with CVS until Microsoft comes out with the killer SCM product.

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