.NET Roadmap - C# Edit and Continue??

Lots of people are blogging about the updated information available in the .NET Roadmap. Am I the only one concerned that the Edit and Continue features specifically mentioned for VB.NET will not make it into C# as well?? Maybe the performance will be so much better in VS.NET Whidbey that it won't be that big of a deal, but currently I find myself craving this feature constantly.


  • You are not the only one, just need to know how we can ask? :)

  • I didn't think edit & continue was possible for c# anyway?

  • I suspect theres a technical issue that may muddle the 'beauty' of C# code compiling and execution. Ie: There's an extra interpreter engine in VB that enables E&C.

  • I agree. I think there are so many situations where E&C is extremely useful and this thought of me somehow being a bad coder because I want to use it is total BS. What about all of the XP style methodologies out there where it's all about rapid development and refactoring on the fly??

  • I AGREE - I am trying to convince people here in my office of the use of C# over VB but MS is making my life difficult by implementing Edit and Continue in VB and not in C# - really seriously missing this feaure !!

    Does anyone know for real why MS is not implementing this - I can't believe it is only to do with 'introducing bad programming styles' - we are not asking to write entire methods, classes and other stuff - just simply taking out an i++ statement or similar if that was accidently left in the code !

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