Lack of blogging...

I want to apologize for not blogging more often. In my defense, I was very busy trying to keep up with CodeSmith support, development, my other full-time job and various other things that I can’t discuss just yet.  Stay tuned for some big announcements in the very near future…


  • "Stay tuned for some big announcements in the very near future . . ."

    Bug announcements about CodeSmith, or . . . ? If so, and you release a new version, I hope I can upgrade dirt cheap, I *just* bought version 2.6 not two days ago.

  • I will try not to. ;)

    Thank you for this kick butt tool, I have used CodeSmith for a long time, and it is nice to finally give back a little (by purchasing a pro license). I try to convert everyone I meet to the use of code generation first, and CodeSmith as a means to that end, second. Although I personally think using XML and XSLT are the current ideal for code generation tools in a purely academic sense, CodeSmith is far more practical for most applications I write. Good stuff.

  • I think that XML is the ideal metadata source, but XSLT is DEFINITELY not the ideal code generation language. XSLT is a total beating for generating nicely formatted code exactly the way you want it.

  • My manager says that the using codegen is like "having an extra developer on the team".

    What greater compliment could I pay to codegen and CodeSmith in particular?

  • It has almost been 3 weeks . . . the "very near future" is almost gone! When are you going to make your "big announcements?!?!" (Can you tell I am being impatient? Yeah, I am. Sorry.)


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