CodeSmith Status Update
Thought I should let everyone know where CodeSmith is at and what is coming in the near future. Here are some interesting numbers:
3,920 Downloads in the past 58 days since I started keeping track.1,636 Support forum posts.
1,179 Mailing list members.
396 Registered support forum users.
154 Days since the last official release.
5 Online magazine articles.
1 Print magazine article.
0 How much CodeSmith costs.
It's been a ton of fun so far!! CodeSmith users are doing some amazing things and the community is really starting to pickup.
For the past 154 days since the last official release, I have been spending nearly every moment of my spare time working on the next release. It has come a long way and is getting very close to being ready. It's always hard to predict when you can only dedicate your spare time, but I really can't see there not being a new official release by the end of the year at the absolute latest. Here is a list of some of the new things to expect in the upcoming release:
- CodeSmith Studio is a full-blown IDE for editing CodeSmith templates with syntax highlighting and ton of various other features to stream-line the template building process.
- Better XML support for your properties.
- Ability to easily save and load your template properties to an XML file.
- Ability to discover the resulting columns of a stored procedure call.
- Ability to merge template output into an existing file using regions in your target file.
- Much improved command line utility.
- Much improved VS.NET add-in support.
- Property default now supports enum values.
- Many new samples and templates.
- A TON of bug fixes and other minor changes.
If you are interested in helping to test the latest builds of CodeSmith, then it's as easy as registering for a Support Forum account and checking the Beta Builds forum. All beta builds are available to any registered forum user.