Development Tool of the Year

Development Tool of the Year

“How many times you you been coding a business or data layer object and thought... "This is sooo repetitve there must be a better way."  Well there is!  CodeSmith is a template driven code generation tool.  Now don't lose me... I know you heard code generation and are thinking this is some blue sky type of tool, but trust me this is the real deal.”


  • your posts are becoming closer and closer to a spam category...

  • My weblog is for CodeSmith. Why would it be spam for me to post CodeSmith related blog entries from other bloggers?

  • Hmmm. I already love Codesmith. I subscribe to your blog because I'd like to see you write interesting stuff - or to hear news about Codesmith. If I wanted to see other people writing about how cool Codesmith is (as I have) I'd go to Technorati or Google. While I agree with you - it's your blog - write what you want. I also agree with Erik - and am finding you are posting less than what I was hoping to see at your blog - given you're such a talented man and have had the brains to come up with such a brilliant application.

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