CodeSmith 3.0 Tips and Tricks

The presentation at the North Dallas .NET User's Group last night went awesome!  The room was packed (over 265 people) and Rob Howard did an amazing job presenting CodeSmith 3.0 and getting people excited about it like I could never do.    Rob is such a great speaker and it was very surreal seeing him doing a presentation on an application that I wrote.  We recorded the presentation and we will hopefully have it available for everyone to see online in the near future.  In the meantime, here is a link to the slides from the presentation.

We also gave away a free CodeSmith Professional 3.0 license to every single person that attended which ended up being over $105,000 worth of licenses.

If you attended last nights meeting, we'd love to hear any feedback that you may have so that we can make the presentation even better.

Over the next couple of months Rob will be visiting some other User's Groups and giving licenses away to everyone at those as well.  Here is a list of currently scheduled meetings:


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