Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

Well, I am done reading the book now and I must say that I was quite happy with it. I would highly recommend it to anyone in the software engineering field (especially if you are wondering what all these patterns everyone is talking about are). It is great to be able to put a name to a lot of the patterns that I was already implementing (I just didn't know it) and to also get a few good new ideas as well.


  • Great read. I was discussing this book at length with John Lam at Win-Dev and we think its a pivotal book, perhaps even more than the GOF book. The GOF book is actually small in scope, software construction. Martin's book catalogs much more important stuff - patterns of how to talk to databases, scalable architectures, etc. Great stuff.

  • I agree that this is a great book. I was following Martin's writing of this on his site until it was finally published (at which time he pulled off all the articles and replaced them with page number links to his book). Definitely a "classic" work!

  • Very good book indeed. I still haven't seen a pattern for representing complex multi-branch conditional logic:

    if this then


    if that or theother then


    else if here then {}

    else if now then {}

    else {}


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