CodeSmith Generator 6.0 Beta Survey
We are currently working on dogfooding the new template editor by updating and building some new templates. Along the way, we are trying to find and fix as many pain points as we possibly can. We are also working on profiling and memory usage reductions and trying to get everything running smoothly for the final release.
We have gotten a lot of great feedback from the community and want to encourage everyone to keep it coming. In order to try and get a little more organized with our feedback, we have created a beta survey and everyone that completes the survey will get a discount on their next purchase with us. This could be used towards upgrading to CodeSmith Generator 6.0 *HINT* *HINT*. :-) Also, please remember that if you purchase CodeSmith Generator 5.x now, you will get a free upgrade to CodeSmith Generator 6.0 when it is released.