CodeSmith Insight Launch Party

CodeSmith Tools is excited to announce the upcoming release of our new product, CodeSmith Insight, and we would like to invite you to come celebrate! Join us at the Addison Conference Center‎ on Tuesday, October 12th, from 6pm to 9pm, for the:

CodeSmith Insight Launch Party

Prizes and Giveaways
There will be over $1,000 in prizes, including: Apple iPad, Crucial C300 128GB SSD, a new Microsoft Xbox 360 Slim, Nintendo Wii, and more! Plus all attendees will receive a free CodeSmith Insight T-Shirt, as well as a 50% Lifetime Discount for their CodeSmith Insight subscription!

Games, Competition, and Food
This will be a Retro Game Party. There will be a series of old school arcade machines, including: Tetris, Streetfighter 2, Pac-Man, Mortal Kombat, NBA Jam, Metal Slug, Galaga, and more! High scores will be kept throughout the evening, and at the end of the party the leaders will battle it out for the aforementioned prizes! Also, there will be free pizza and drinks for all attendees.

What is CodeSmith Insight?
CodeSmith Insight is a help desk software with advanced application integration. This means that Insight can handle your email and user feedback, as well as your application errors and crash reports, all from a single convenient location. Insight is useful to anyone who makes software.

Please RSVP at our party website!

Be sure to visit our website and RSVP if you are coming, as there are a limited number of spots and they are filling up fast!

We hope to see you there,
The CodeSmith Tools Team


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