Greetings from Honolulu! Just completed an MSDN Security Briefing event here on Oahu. Very nice crowd, and lots of good questions. Of course, the beautiful weather is a nice added bonus. I went up to my hotel room earlier this morning to find a rainbow streaking across the sky over the ocean.
The only downside to the presentation was the construction noise. Apparently, unbeknownst to the event manager at the hotel, no fewer than three different work crews were scheduled for today, all of them near the room where our event was being held. So each time she would contact a crew and ask them to keep the noise down, another crew would start up. Clearly, she felt pretty bad about the situation, but it really wasn’t all that bad.
One new tidbit I was able to add to the presentation today was news of a new Threat Modeling tool from Microsoft, which I learned of from one of my past attendees, Paul Laudeman (Thanks, Paul!). I haven’t had a chance to play with it for very long, since it just came out yesterday, but what I’ve seen looks very useful. If you’re interested in starting to do threat modeling you should definitely take a look.
I’m here in Hawaii for a couple more days, then back to the east coast I go, ready to suffer from some serious jet lag.
As an aside, if any of you are wondering why I’ve been inconsistent in posting lately, it has a lot to do with both my work travel schedule, and the fact that my wife and I are buying a new house, and selling our old one. I’m sure that once we get moved next month, I’ll be posting a little more frequently.