OT: Speaking of Microsoft competitors...
Ole Eichorn comes up with one of the most concise descriptions of one of my big hangups with Java:
I continue to mess around with Java, in the form of IBM's eclipse framework. It is a beautiful IDE and makes Java development of desktop applications very easy. However, deploying desktop applications is not easy; you have to use Sun's Java Web Start, which is a whole lot more complicated than simply distributing an .EXE. And there seem to be performance problems... Of course, it is cross-platform, but that only helps developers, not users. [emphasis mine]
I'm not going to get into the “.NET is better than Java” or vice-versa discussion here. I just think that Eichorn sums up very well the problem with the cross-platform arguments in favor of Java. Until users of a Java application can be assured a consistent and high-performance experience on every platform, cross-platform doesn't strike me as a terribly compelling argument. NOTE: that's my opinion, I'm not stating it as factual for anyone else, so please don't deluge my comments section with rants about how I don't know what I'm talking about, etc. I'm not running /. here, just my humble little blog. :-)