Been a while since I posted, so I'll catch up on a number of items:
- Just signed a new book project with O'Reilly...more details to follow, but it's ASP.NET-related.
- I've got an article in the pipeline for the MSDN ASP.NET Developer Center. The article covers design-time support for custom ASP.NET server controls in Visual Studio .NET. I'll let you know when it'll be up...as soon as Kent tells me. :-)
- Hurricane Isabel knocked out our power for around 30 hours. We lost most perishables in the fridge, but it certainly could've been worse. Our neighbor had a tree fall on his car, and several of us spent Friday morning sawing and dragging the limbs off (the big ones were up to 16“ in diameter).
- I'm incredibly sore from sawing and attempting to start a balky chain saw (see #3).
- Last, but not least, I'll be speaking at PDC this year. Along with Jeff Prosise, I'll be presenting The Web Perspective pre-conference session on October 26th. I'll be giving an overview of the current ASP.NET v1.1 platform, as well as a talk on performance best practices. If you can make it, be sure to stop by during a break and say “hi“.
UPDATE: As Scott notes in the comments, Kent's blog, which I'd linked to in my original post, seems to have disappeared. I'll see if I can find out what's up with that, but I've removed the link for now.