
Been a while since I posted, so I'll catch up on a number of items:

  1. Just signed a new book project with O'Reilly...more details to follow, but it's ASP.NET-related.
  2. I've got an article in the pipeline for the MSDN ASP.NET Developer Center. The article covers design-time support for custom ASP.NET server controls in Visual Studio .NET. I'll let you know when it'll be up...as soon as Kent tells me. :-)
  3. Hurricane Isabel knocked out our power for around 30 hours. We lost most perishables in the fridge, but it certainly could've been worse. Our neighbor had a tree fall on his car, and several of us spent Friday morning sawing and dragging the limbs off (the big ones were up to 16“ in diameter).
  4. I'm incredibly sore from sawing and attempting to start a balky chain saw (see #3).
  5. Last, but not least, I'll be speaking at PDC this year. Along with Jeff Prosise, I'll be presenting The Web Perspective pre-conference session on October 26th. I'll be giving an overview of the current ASP.NET v1.1 platform, as well as a talk on performance best practices. If you can make it, be sure to stop by during a break and say “hi“.

UPDATE: As Scott notes in the comments, Kent's blog, which I'd linked to in my original post, seems to have disappeared. I'll see if I can find out what's up with that, but I've removed the link for now.

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