My big fat geek plate

Graham Harwood writes about geek plates, and the difficulty of getting the one you want in the U.K.:

As you can see the UK schemes have restricted creativity, but it has not stopped a flourishing industry in personalised and cherished plates. Even the DVLA has got in on the act by creating a Select Marks marketing arm. As plates are issued, certain letter and number combinations are withheld to provide a pool of plates for this commercial side of the government service. There are some possibilities: WIN 32, OLE 32, L 1 NUX etc. but IUNKNWN is definitely out.

He also adds some interesting thoughts about how licence plate numbers are determined, and offers these processes as an analog to APIs. His post was inspired by Adam Nathan posting on the subject of geek plates, one of the most famous being Don Box's IUNKNWN plate.

All of this, of course, is prologue to me outing myself on my own very geeky plate, which reads ASP.NET, complete with the dot (sort of). You can view it here.

1 Comment

  • I was waiting for you to chime in! I was going to give you away, but in the interest of your privacy decided that it would be best if you came across the thread and gave yourself away.


    PS geek.:)

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