Just bought a Motorola SmartPhone...
...running Windows Mobile 2002 (thanks to Scoble for the link to Amazon's page for the phone, complete with a $150 rebate). It was time for a new phone for my wife, and since I can also use the phone to test out SmartPhone development, this one made a lot of sense. And given the rebate, the price was right. Unfortunately, Windows Mobile 2002 does not appear to support .NET, but hopefully Motorola will eventually support an upgrade to WM 2003, which does. If not, well, I've used the eMbedded tools before...
The only bummer is that it won't arrive in time for me to take it with me to PDC. What fun is it getting a new toy (ahem...a new phone for your wife) if you can't show it off? :-)
Anybody else have a SmartPhone in their future? Let me know via the comments...