Aggregator integration

Anil commented on my recent blog about Aggregators:

Andrew, you REALLY should check out NewsGator @ It integrates RSS reading directly into Outlook

As I pointed out to Anil in an email, I don't want the blogs I read integrated into Outlook. It may well be that such integration opens up some new possibilities in terms of organizing and filtering blogs. I don't care. What I know of myself is that if the blogs I like to read are a part of my Outlook folders, then every time I check my mail, I'll be far too tempted to see what's going on in blogdom. Talk about a productivity killer. So I'd rather use a separate application just the same.

What do you all think? Is aggregator integration into Outlook a good thing? Is it a "must have" feature for you? Comment or blog and let me know.

1 Comment

  • Well, for me it's a must-have feature...but admittedly, I might be a bit biased! ;-) Seriously, though, you should try it - it changed the way I view blogs in general, and I've had many, many customers tell me the same thing.

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