Tip for ISO images from MSDN
Finally got the VS.NET 2003 bits downloaded...even though I complain about the speed (or lack thereof), thank goodness for MSDN Universal. While the lack of an ISO image for VS.NET was a little puzzling, it's definitely faster installing from the hard drive, so I'm not going to complain too much about it.
Now I'm in the process of d/ling the MSDN Library disks for the install, and I thought I'd offer a tip to folks who haven't figured this one out yet. The disk images that are available from the MSDN subscriber downloads use the file extension .img which, on my system at least, is registered to Paint Shop Pro. Needless to say, PSP is not terribly useful for burning CDs. So change the extension to .iso, which Easy CD Creator recognizes as an ISO image. Then you can simply right-click and select Record to CD (this assumes you've got Easy CD Creator, of course).
Can anyone who uses different software for burning ISO images verify whether this works with programs other than ECC?