Thanks, CapArea.NET!

My thanks to the Capital Area .NET User Group for their attentiveness and good questions at my talk this past Tuesday. I would have posted this earlier, but I'm still having problems with my DSL, and unfortunately, the T1 looks like it's going to take longer than expected (not to mention the fact that my local ILEC, Verizon, wants to charge me $600 in construction charges just to get the line set up).

My apologies to those who have been looking to download the slides and source from the talk from my web site. There's a copy of the ZIP file up on the site that you can access until my site's back up. Thanks for your patience.

And at the risk of sounding like a broken record, here's another reminder that if you belong to or run a .NET user group, and you're looking for a expert speakers, at no cost to you, you need to join INETA right now! The INETA Speaker's Bureau has some of the best speakers in the business, from Rocky Lhotka and Billy Hollis, to Keith Pleas and Chris Kinsman, and many, many more. They are speakers you see at conferences such as ASP.NET Connections, VSLive!, and Tech Ed. They are well-known authors, and they are trainers and industry leaders. In short, they're just the folks you want to hear about .NET from, particularly for FREE! So what are you waiting for? Go start (or join) a .NET user group, and sign up with INETA. Do it now!


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