
Archives / 2003 / March
  • Running as Admin

    Over the weekend, I blogged about a variety of topics, including the practice of running as admin in one's day-to-day work, a practice which I had to admit I still was guilty of (with the exception of my development work). I've since pulled my regular login from the Administrators group, and while the process hasn't been painless, it's not been painfull either. Here are some of the things I've run into:

  • Guilt - A powerful motivator...

    My recent post on running as admin, and my admission that I was still doing it motivated me to reduce my shame quotient by removing my day-to-day account from the Administrators group once and for all.

  • More musings on the enhanced IE security in Win2K3

    One other cool thing included in the management recommendations for the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (res://shdoclc.dll/IESechelp.htm#manage, on a Win2K3 machine), is a set of recommendations for browser security for servers. If all server admins followed these, that would certainly be an improvement. Unfortunately, many folks probably won't ever look at the docs for the Enhanced Security Configuration, which is why I'm reproducing these tips here:

  • Win2K3 Update

    Installation and testing of the samples from my latest book went very smoothly (as expected). So far my experience with the RTM version of Windows Server 2003 is as good as I've been hearing from others.

  • Almost entirely painless!

    OK, so not much more than an hour later, and my upgrade from RC2 of Windows Server 2003, Web Edition to the RTM version is complete, and seems to have gone almost entirely smoothly. I say almost, because despite the fact that I was upgrading rather than doing a fresh install, I still had to manually install the VMWare SVGA video driver. I also had a sudden shutdown of the VM, but I'm not sure yet whether that was just a VMWare hiccup, or something more ominous.

  • Crossing my fingers...

    ...and diving into upgrading my Windows Server 2003, Web Edition RC2 to RTM. I wouldn't be worried about it at all but for the fact that I'm running Win2K3 in a VMWare v3.1.1 virtual machine, and Windows Server 2003 is only provided experimental support in that version. It worked fine for RC1, but locked up hard when attempting a fresh install of RC2. I managed to get RC2 running under VMWare by installing RC1 and then upgrading RC1 to RC2, so I'm going to try the same trick with the RTM version. If that doesn't work, then I'll pave the VM and try installing from scratch.

  • Wrox

    I know I'm not the first to comment on the rumors that Wrox may be going under, but one of the first things I thought of is all of the folks that I've met who work for Wrox, and who depend on them for their livelihood. Authors like Alex Homer, Dave Sussman, and Rocky Lhotka, to name just a few, were the main reason that Wrox became such a prominent name in the tech book market.

  • Finished (well...almost)!

    Like my friend, Steve Smith, I've reached an important milestone in my latest writing project. The initial revisions of my books, Microsoft® ASP.NET Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET Version 2003 Step By Step and Microsoft® ASP.NET Programming with Microsoft Visual C#™ .NET Version 2003 Step By Step, are complete. This brings the books in line with Visual Studio .NET 2003 and version 1.1 of the .NET Framework. All that's left now is the editing passes, and the books will be complete.