Objectives 2009

I am a little late in setting out my resolutions, and although 1st January is a good time of year to set out your objectives, I’ve never liked to be restricted by a date. If I smoked (which I don’t), and I wanted to give it up, I wouldn’t wait until the 1st Jan, I would give up there and then. No time like the present. So last February I set out some objectives for the coming 6 months, how did I do?

1. Finish my MCSE Upgrade exams – done
2. Get to grips with the latest development methodologies such as Inversion of Control, Design Patterns, Mocking, Unit testing, MVC and MVP, Dependency Injection, and Continuous Integration – well I got to grips with Unit testing, Continuous Integration and MVC, I started with the other design patterns then ground to a halt.
3. Get all my code to pass FxCop analysis – done

So what for the next 6 months?

1. Getting to grips with Design Patterns.
2. Look into the Entity Framework as compared to other tools already out there.
3. Look into Ioc/ Dependency Injection frameworks.

I think I will tackle these in this order as I have already started on design patterns.

There are of course smaller ongoing objectives which I aim to have a go at, some of these are:-

1. Learn how to get more out of Resharper. I find this an invaluable tool and I know there is more to it that what I use it for, so I plan on utilizing it more.
2. Build the analysis results from FxCop, StyleCop and perhaps SourceMonitor into our CI environment

You may be asking ‘why am I blogging this?’. Well to be honest I find it difficult to remain focused on a particular objective and some times need a quick reminder.

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