Contents tagged with MVC
Web Site Performance and Assembly Versioning – Part 2 Versioning Combined Files Using Subversion
Ok so it took a while to post this second part. Many apologies, we had a big roll out of a new platform at work and many things had to get sidelined.
Full Circle
Things have been a little bit hectic these past 6 months hence the lack of posts. My excuse is a good one though, my wife gave birth to our first son Tom back in September and it has been one hell of a rollercoaster ride since then. Things have settled back down now thank hevens.
Setting Up MVC Using StructureMap, Moq and NUnit...Quickly
When I was first attracted to the Microsoft MVC Framework, one of my main ambitions was to develop using a more test driven approach. There are ways to include Unit testing with WebForms, but the friction was just too much to justify on the web projects I was involved with.
Multiple Strongly Typed Partial Views in MVC
Creating strongly typed views with the ASP.Net MVC framework is really easy, but what if you want to have multiple types on the same view? One way to achieve this is to create partial views for each type and creating a combined view model. Then the view will inherit this combined view model and each partial view will inherit from its component types.
TempData and DropDownList in ASP.Net MVC
Sometimes while developing web applications, you have a need to keep certain data between web requests. In asp.Net MVC you can use TempData which will keep hold of any values you pass to it for that request and the next request when it is then removed. This is a great way of keeping form elements at a particular state during form submission from an mvc view. In the following example I will briefly explain how to render a drop down list populated with data which will keep the selected value across form submission. -
Complex Types in the Entity Framework
In this post I will describe the process you need to go through to get a stored procedure to return a complex type in the Entity Framework.
Objectives 2009
I am a little late in setting out my resolutions, and although 1st January is a good time of year to set out your objectives, I’ve never liked to be restricted by a date. If I smoked (which I don’t), and I wanted to give it up, I wouldn’t wait until the 1st Jan, I would give up there and then. No time like the present. So last February I set out some objectives for the coming 6 months, how did I do?
Protect your job...perhaps by learning new tech goodies
It is in the news so much recently that there is no avoiding the fact we are either in or about to go in to a recession (here in the UK that is). There is already job losses in the tech industry, wether these losses were going to happen anyway, and now is a good time to blame the economic outlook is not a topic I am trying to cover; this has been covered here. What I am trying to address really is how do you protect your job? And if you do loose your job, how do you improve your chances of getting straight back in to employment?
My notes on becoming a better developer
Following on from Justin Etheredge post about becoming a better developer, I would just like to add my nuggets of info.
Getting to grips with MVC
A few posts back I listed goals I wished to achieve over the next six months. Currently I am looking in to the Microsoft MVC Framework. I have started by watching Scott Hanselmans' four screen casts over at, these give a pretty good introduction of the framework and what you get out of the box with Visual Studio 2008 with the MVC framework extensions installed. There is also a screen cast from MIX08 here which covers most of the same material, but works as a once over refresher. Jeff Palermo also has a good demonstration on dnrTV. I have found in the past that it is easier to learn about something if you have a set of questions to ask, the natural process of researching the answers leads to a better understanding of the subject matter. So here are a few simple questions I have asked myself.