Vim 7.0 is out
More than two years in the making, Vim 7.0 is finally out!
(Vim is Vi IMproved, an enormously enhanced version of the classic Unix
editor, vi
The main features of the 7.0 release are:
Spell checking
Omni-completion (Intellisense-like)
Tabbed pages
VimL script language now supports Lists and Dictionaries
I'm going to take credit for some minor features of Vim 7:
Making Vim build with VC5-VC8
The Win64 port
Syntax highlighting for FlexWiki
WikiPedia summarizes the history of Vim. This enabled me to pinpoint when I first became a contributor to Vim, back in December 1995. I cleaned up the original, rather buggy port of Vim 3.0 to NT, and posted it to the comp.editors newsgroup. Bram invited me to merge my changes into Vim 4.0, which was then under development, and I became the owner of Win32 Vim for the next couple of years.