Are you Ready.Gov?
A friend sent me a Word document with a parody of the Department of Homeland Security's Ready.Gov website. I googled and found an HTML copy of the parody here.
Usability testing dasBlog installation
I've been hanging out on the dasBlog developers' mailing list for the last couple of months, and I've made some minor contributions to the code.
FavIcon creation
I installed dasBlog at Emma's The Wheel site, so that she and the other knitters in Team Ireland can blog during the 2006 Knitting Olympics. What an ordeal that was! But that's a post for another time. (It's not working yet, due to permissions issues that require the intervention of support at our hosting site.)
Using WinDbg to debug managed code
I consider myself to be an expert WinDbg user, when it comes to debugging unmanaged x86 code. I haven't used WinDbg much on managed code, and when I did, I found it quite painful.