Google SketchUp
I've just spent an hour working through the tutorials for Google SketchUp. It's a free 3D modeling tool. Pretty slick and easy to use.
Assert(Result.ToString() == "Expected")
I'm writing some C++ code at the moment, after months of C#. I'm trying to be very Test First, writing Red tests, then making them turn Green.
Win64 port of Vim
I've ported Vim to Win64. Native binaries for AMD64 can be found on my Vim page.
ViEmu: a vi and Vim emulator for Visual Studio
I've been an obsessive vi user for more than 20 years. Vi keystrokes are indelibly burned into my muscle memory. When I have to use Notepad or Word or Visual Studio, I feel crippled. I have to work harder to do simple things; I have to type too many chords with Alt and Ctrl; I have to take my hands off the home keys to use the cursor keys and the mouse.