reStructuredText syntax highlighting

Vim has had syntax highlighting since version 5.0 in 1998. It quickly became indispensable. It's hard to go back to looking at monochromatic source code after you've become accustomed to syntax highlighting.
The syntax highlighting is tied into Vim's support for colorschemes, which define colors for the fundamental syntax groups like Number, Comment, and String. The syntax highlighting for a particular language defines custom syntax groups for specific language features, such as cppExceptions or htmlEndTag,
The custom syntax groups are linked to the underlying fundamental syntax groups. Hence, if you change your colorscheme, your syntax highlighting is updated automatically.
The reStructuredText syntax highlighting in Vim 7.2 has some shortcomings, in my opinion. For example, *italic* shows up as italic in gVim, but in the same color as regular text, while **bold** shows up in a different color, but not bolded.
When you declare a syntax group, you can either link it to another gropu and pick up that's one color and fontstyle, or you can give it a concrete fontstyle and color. If you do that, then the syntax group won't change color when you change the colorscheme.
After much poking around, I found a way to set a syntax group's fontstyle and link it to another group's color: see hi def rstItalic and hi def rstBold below.
I also make use of certain Unicode characters in my reStructuredText source, such as endash and emdash, which are very hard to tell apart in a fixed-width font—even though an emdash (—) is twice as wide as an endash (–) in a proportional font. Worse, a non-breaking space is invisible and can't easily be distinguished from a normal space.
I provided custom highlighting for these Unicode characters and the various ‘curly’ “quotes”.
All of this goes into ~/.vim/syntax/rst.vim, which treats $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/rst.vim as a subroutine. I tried putting it into ~/.vim/after/syntax/rst.vim, which gets executed after $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/rst.vim completes, but then I can't provide non-overrideable definitions for rstEmphasis and rstStrongEmphasis.
function! s:SynFgColor(hlgrp)
return synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:hlgrp)), 'fg')
function! s:SynBgColor(hlgrp)
return synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID(a:hlgrp)), 'bg')
syn match rstEnumeratedList /^\s*[0-9#]\{1,3}\.\s/
syn match rstBulletedList /^\s*[+*-]\s/
syn match rstNbsp /[\xA0]/
syn match rstEmDash /[\u2014]/
syn match rstUnicode /[\u2013\u2018\u2019\u201C\u201D]/ " – ‘ ’ “ ”
exec 'hi def rstBold term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold guifg=' . s:SynFgColor('PreProc')
exec 'hi def rstItalic term=italic cterm=italic gui=italic guifg=' . s:SynFgColor('Statement')
exec 'hi def rstNbsp gui=underline guibg=' . s:SynBgColor('ErrorMsg')
exec 'hi def rstEmDash gui=bold guifg=' . s:SynFgColor('Title') . ' guibg='. s:SynBgColor('Folded')
exec 'hi def rstUnicode guifg=' . s:SynFgColor('Number')
hi link rstEmphasis rstItalic
hi link rstStrongEmphasis rstBold
hi link rstEnumeratedList Operator
hi link rstBulletedList Operator
source $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/rst.vim
syn cluster rstCruft contains=rstEmphasis,rstStrongEmphasis,
\ rstInterpretedText,rstInlineLiteral,rstSubstitutionReference,
\ rstInlineInternalTargets,rstFootnoteReference,rstHyperlinkReference,
\ rstNbsp,rstEmDash,rstUnicode