Speaking at New York CSD User Group

Next Monday (17th) I will be speaking at the Microsoft's Connected Systems User Group in New York. This time, I am going to be talking about RESTful services best practices.  We are going to cover a broad set of topics ranging from REST fundamental concepts to RESTful services best practices and patterns. Specifically, we will explore how to implement Enterprise services capabilities such as Authentication, Authorization, Transactions, Versioning into RESTful services as well as how to overcome some of the RESTful services traditional challenges such as Low-REST support, service description, multi-format resources, etc. I've put together a bunch of demonstrations fundamentally based on WCF 3.5 but also touching other technologies such as ADO.NET Data Services and LINQ.  Finally, I would like to spend a few minutes talking about how REST is influencing Microsoft's Connected Systems Technology stack and speculate a little bit on what we can expect to see on the near future.

So if you are in the New York area on March 17th and you are curious, confused or eager to know more about REST I would love to see you there. At the end, Is there anything better than getting some REST on Saint Patrick's day :)

1 Comment

  • Jesus,
    Can you please post up your slide deck and examples for this presentaion ?

    If you cant give it just yet - please email to :



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