Steve doesn't like ESBs anymore

Steve Vinoski  is back!!! Although we still don’t know much about his new venture. Check out this post that highlights Steve’s opinion about the ESB vs. REST + dynamic languages debate.


  • Hi,

    Isn't this repeated all the time. OOPs, CORBA, SAS, SOAP, ...the list is endless.

  • I think it boils down to level of abstraction and coupling. ESBs have adapters that abstract for those that do not want to deal with the complexity of Ws-* and SOAP. These adapters can also handle the basic REST scenarios with no custom code.

    One problem with some of the WS-* and SOAP abstractions is that they are leaky abstractions that do not completely hide the details of implementation. WCF is a good start but its too early in its maturity curve.

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