WCF Extensibility Guidance Chapter 2

The second chapter of our WCF Extensibility Guidance Pablo and I authored a few months ago is now available on MSDN. This chapter is one of my favorites given that it touches upon the most common extensibility points of WCF's client and dispatcher programming model. Specifically, this chapter covers the best practices and techniques to implement the following WCF extensibility components:

  • Message Encoders
  • Message Formatters
  • Message Filters
  • Message Formatter
  • Parameter Inspectors
  • Operation Selectors
  • Operation Invokers

Similarly to the previous chapter, we've tried to illustrate each extensibility points within the context of real world scenarios.

I hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter. Please send us feedback to jesus dot rodriguez at tellago dot com or pablo dot cibraro at tellago dot com.


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