Windows Azure Error: Failed to start Storage Emulator: the SQL Server instance ‘localhost\SQLExpress’ could not be found
When running some of your Windows Azure applications when storage emulator is not configured you may get the following error: "Windows Azure Tools: Failed to initialize Windows Azure storage emulator. Unable to start Development Storage. Failed to start Storage Emulator: the SQL Server instance ‘localhost\SQLExpress’ could not be found. Please configure the SQL Server instance for Storage Emulator using the ‘DSInit’ utility in the Windows Azure SDK.". Here’s how to solve this problem.
Making CopySourceAsHtml add-on work with VS2010
As there are still bloggers who use CopySourceAsHtml add-on for Visual Studio to get syntax highlighted code to their blog posts and there is no guidance in CSAH site how to make it work with Visual Studio 2010 I will give my guidance here. Almost all code in this blog is syntax highlighted by this add-on (read more from my post Visual Studio add-in: CopySourceAsHTML).
ASP.NET MVC: Simple view to display contents of DataTable
In one of my current projects I have to show reports based on SQL Server views. My code should be not aware of data it shows. It just asks data from view and displays it user. As WebGrid didn’t seem to work with DataTable (at least with no hocus-pocus) I wrote my own very simple view that shows contents of DataTable.
Using Lazy<T> and abstract wrapper class to lazy-load complex system parameters
.NET Framework 4.0 introduced new class called Lazy<T> and I wrote blog post about it: .Net Framework 4.0: Using System.Lazy<T>. One thing is annoying for me – we have to keep lazy loaded value and its value loader as separate things. In this posting I will introduce you my Lazy<T> wrapper for complex to get system parameters that uses template method to keep lazy value loader in parameter class.
Solution to Jira web service getWorklogs method error: Object of type System.Xml.XmlNode[] cannot be stored in an array of this type
When using Jira web service methods that operate on work logs you may get the following error when running your .NET application: Object of type System.Xml.XmlNode[] cannot be stored in an array of this type. In this posting I will show you solution to this problem.
ASP.NET MVC: Converting business objects to select list items
Some of our business classes are used to fill dropdown boxes or select lists. And often you have some base class for all your business classes. In this posting I will show you how to use base business class to write extension method that converts collection of business objects to ASP.NET MVC select list items without writing a lot of code.