Exam 70-448 - TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Business Intelligence Development and Maintenance
The another exam I passed was 70-448 - TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Business Intelligence Development and Maintenance. This exam covers Business Intelligence (BI) solutions development and maintenance on SQL Server 2008 platform. It was not easy exam, but if you study then you can do it.
To get prepared for 70-488 it is strongly recommended to read self-paced training kit and also make through all examples it contains. If you don’t have strong experiences on Microsoft BI platform and SQL Server then this exam is hard to pass when you just go there and hope to pass somehow. Self-paced training kit is interesting reading and you learn a lot of new stuff for sure when preparing for exam.
Questions in exam are divided into topics as follows:
Exam 70-448 gives you Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist certificate.