Exam 70-630 - TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Configuring
It has been really quiet here but I wasted no time. I passed exam 70-630 - TS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, Configuring and in this posting I will give you a short overview of this very-very easy exam.
If you are not new to SharePoint Server 2007 and you have some development experiences then this is the easiest exam from Microsoft you have ever seen. There are 51 questions in this exam and two or four of them were not familiar to me. I took me about one hour to prepare for this exam and I got 964 of 1000.
Okay, I have some years of experience as SharePoint developer but these questions seemed still too easy for me to be real. I mean based on this exam you cannot accurately say if somebody is able to configure SharePoint Server or not. I think this exam should be very easy also to SharePoint Server administrators who have at least some experience with supporting and maintaining production systems running on SharePoint Server 2007.
Those who does not feel strong on SharePoint Server configuring my read a book suggested by Microsoft Learning site: Inside Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007.
Exam 70-630 gives you Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist certificate