TechEd Secret #2: TechEd Store

TechEd Secret #2
How to save 100% at the TechEd Store

If you're new to TechEd, you might be surprised to find a store, right in the convention center, that sells books and more important, tons of things with either the Microsoft or the TechEd logos.  Before maxing out your credit card with all those overpriced items, you might want to wait a little bit.  Like Yoda says: patience my friend, patience.  A TechEd alumni knows that on Thursday afternoon, the TechEd store start pricing down some of the items and on Friday, everything is on sale.  But how can you save 100% you might ask?  Easy.  That nice shirt you saw with that cool Microsoft logo that will be the envy of all your co-workers, well, they have only 3 of your size. Remember that there are about 14000 people attending TechEd.  What are the chances that more then 3 guys will want that same shirt in that same size?  Impossible!   The dark side in you will say that you must get that shirt but the light side will remind that it's so expensive!  Here the trick: just wait at the end of the conference, it will be half price or better, none will be left saving you a whopping 100% on your purchase.

So now you know how to save at the TechEd store but please, don't spread the word  ;-)

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