Time travel issue – “Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: utcDate”
Few hours ago my wife told me it is time to get some rest, but since I was deep inside code resolving some interesting control flows, the time passed. I was almost done making the last tests before going to sleep when suddenly an interesting issue comes to scene… I refreshed my beautiful website to see the latest changes and ooopsss… the style is not loading properly… I thought it is something with the browser cache (since I didn’t change anything in the styles)… But it wasn’t that. I checked the same with multiple browsers, still my website was plain and ugly, without any styles…
Speaking at MS Vizija 9 Conference on topic ASP.NET MVC3 & Razor
October 20 (Thursday), I will be speaking at Microsoft Vizija Conference.
Squish your CSS and JS files in your ASP.NET web apps
SquishIt is a nice library that helps you nicely minify your CSS and JavaScript files with very small effort.