Why not to use HttpResponse.Close and HttpResponse.End

I’ve seen many times developers use HttpResponse.Close and HttpResponse.End when they want to end the request and send a response to the client. If you read the MSDN explanation about HttpResponse.Close Method, in Remarks you will see the following explanation:

This method terminates the connection to the client in an abrupt manner and is not intended for normal HTTP request processing. The method sends a reset packet to the client, which can cause response data that is buffered on the server, the client, or somewhere in between to be dropped.

You might use this method in response to an attack by a malicious HTTP client. However, typically you should call CompleteRequest() instead if you want to jump ahead to the EndRequest event and send a response to the client.

So, as it says, this method terminates the connection to the client in an abrupt manner and is not intended for normal HTTP request processing.

On the other hand, the HttpResponse.End Method, from the first versions of .NET Framework, was provided for compatibility with the COM based Web Programming technology that was predecessor of the ASP.NET (the classic ASP), which in this case is not anymore needed to be used.

So, if you read the MSDN remarks for both HttpResponse.Close and HttpResponse.End methods, you will see that in normal cases, we should replace both with the HttpApplication.CompleteRequest method. This method will directly call the EndRequest event and the request will end.

See the comparison with the following code examples.

Here is one code example where I’ve used Response.End to terminate the current connection to the client.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Response.Write("Hello Hajan");
    Response.Write("<br />Goodbye Hajan");

After calling the Response.End method, no other code line after this will execute. So, if you have any other code that needs to be executed, this will skip executing the code, which might result in a wrong or unexpected behavior.

The result of the above code is

Hello Hajan

If we use the CompleteRequest method, the code will be:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Response.Write("Hello Hajan");
    Response.Write("<br />Goodbye Hajan");

This way, we will again end the http request but the code will continue executing till the last line.

The result of the above code is

Hello Hajan
Goodbye Hajan

To sum up things, instead of using the HttpResponse.End and HttpResponse.Close methods, the best would be to use the HttpApplication.CompleteRequest method, so that the response data that is buffered on the server, the client or in between won’t get dropped.

For more readings, please see the reference links.


Consuming Events - MSDN Article
Response.End, Response.Close, and How Customer Feedback Helps Us Improve MSDN Documentation - ASP.NET and Web Tools Developer Content Team
HttpApplication.EndRequest Event – MSDN Article


  • Hey Hajan! I am not getting the fact Why to write code after ending the request, we would be ending the response when we are done with it only.. May be I didn't get properly what you wanted to tell.. Can you please give me a better an more clear understnding... Thanks....

  • Hello @Vaibhav.

    The Response.End method tries to raise a ThreadAbortException so that once this is successfull, the calling thread will be aborted and the current module will be terminated. The pipeline will directly go to the application's EndRequest event. This is not good for performance (why? read more: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/aspnetue/archive/2010/05/25/response-end-response-close-and-how-customer-feedback-helps-us-improve-msdn-documentation.aspx).

    As you already know, after calling the End method, no more code will be executed. However, there are cases when you might need to perform some more operations, like error or activity logging, or want to add some additional notification to the user.

    The usage of CompleteRequest instead of Response.End is also recommended by the MSDN articles which is the only purpose of writing this blog, to inform developers that CompleteRequest is recommended solution to replace the Response.End and Response.Close. With my example, I've tried to show real example how CompleteRequest calls the EndRequest event without calling ThreadAbortException (probably, I should have had explain this in more details)

    Please read more in the links I've posted in 'References', which may serve to help you for further understanding of the difference between these methods.

    Hope this helps.


  • Why not to use httpresponse close and httpresponse end.. Great! :)

  • How about if I want same result as
    Response.Write("Hello Hajan");
    Goodbye Hajan");
    with "this.Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest();"

    I don't want "Response.Write("
    Goodbye Hajan");" to be processed after calling Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest();

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