Intresting stuff: Skype & C# HandleWhiteSpace Add-In
What is Skype? “Skype is the next phenomenon from the people who brought you KaZaA. Just like KaZaA, Skype uses P2P (peer-to-peer) technology to connect you to other users – not to share files this time, but to talk for free with your friends.” Ok, big deal you could say, we already have Messenger. But I recently had some problems making voice connections to family with Messenger. Even when they were using one of the most recent ADSL Routers, with UPnP enabled, I couldn't connect. So I gave Skype a try and I must say I was amazed; not only the sound quality is in my opinion even better than Messenger, but Skype could make connections to pc's behind firewalls and/or routers. Installation and account creation is very easy, connections are made within a second. Ofcourse they have not (yet?) the huge user base like Messenger, and their focus is on voice communications, but I keep this little program so I can voice chat with people to Messenger can not connect.
Click the link on my blog, to call me!
C# HandleWhiteSpace Add-In
From the authors website: The C# code editor in Visual Studio.NET does not handle whitespaces automatically like the VB.NET code editor does. This Add-In solves this problem by adding the 'Handle WhiteSpace' menu option to the Visual Studio.NET Tools menu. This option formats the C# code of the active code editor. This includes:
- Space before: method declaration parentheses, method call parentheses, statement parentheses, braces and brackets
- Space after: comma and semicolon
- Space around: operators
- Double space
The author, Fons Sonnemans, sent me an email pointing me to this little utility he hase created. Check out the other downloads, some cool stuff!