Watching Technical Session on a Pocket PC

Recently I discovered (thx Faan) a great way to fill up some useless time, like driving to my work: listening to technical sessions on my Pocket PC. Today a lot of great resources are available that can be downloaded and saved on a Pocket PC to watch while you're on the road. Even sessions with video can be saved since large memory cards (+128 MB) are not that expensive. Here is a list of resources that I know, please let me know if you know others:

I experienced some problems watching the MSDN TV sessions on my Pocket PC running Windows Mobile 2003. It seems that the Windows Media Player 9 Series for Pocket PC do not support the audio encoding used for the MSDN TV sessions. But luckily Microsoft has a nice (free!) tool to easily create and convert Windows Media files: Windows Media Encoder. With this tool you can convert files to a format suitable for Pocket PC.

Microsoft USA Webcasts has an huge list of recorded webcasts, but these can not be viewed on a Pocket PC. It's possible to play the sessions on your normal pc and record the audio output so you could listen to that output on your Pocket PC. But it would really be a killer feature to be able to listen to the recorded sessions in their original format. The site tells that starting from October 14th, they will switch to Microsoft Office Live Meeting (instead of Interwise), so lets hope Office Live Meetings can be viewed from a Pocket PC (please!!).


  • I hope you're watching those MSDN TV videos while *being driven* to work, and not while *driving* to work, Jan ? :-)

  • Patrick, ofcourse I only listen to them while driving (I do not have a personal driver, but I do know some other Belgian .NET guys who sometimes have one!). But since almost all of the Belgian traffic is standing still most of the time, watching MSDN TV would be possible too! :-)



  • I bought a PCMCIA hard disk for storing even more on my PocktPC...

    (5GB - 200 €)

  • 5GB! Thats huge...

    I'm still praying MS will make the webcasts available for Pocket PC.

    Enjoy the PDC!


  • Belgian .NET guy with a driver... What a snob. :) Anyway, no more driver for me. Plaster was removed last Monday for my trip to LA. Should have thought about saving some webcasts to my notebook's HD. Then I could view them on the plane...

  • I have decided to wake up this post :) I now have Windows Mobile 6.0 and I cannot figure out a way to play the MSDN Webcasts on my system. I noticed that it uses a Live Meeting Replay Wrapper for Media Player, but I cannot find a wrapper for Windows Mobile. Any luck getting these work? I sit on a bus for 1 hour a day and would love to watch some of those webcasts on MOSS.

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